Contact me to share your story by emailing

The purpose of the C-section project is to create a dedicated space for hosting a constantly growing collection of stories, advice, support and specific knowledge about the experience of having a C-section birth and recovering from it physically and emotionally. When I first released this project to the public in the summer of 2020 there were 18 women (and myself) who had shared their stories/advice in the collection. I have heard from so many of these women that the process of sitting down and writing their own birth story was healing. It gave them a feeling of closure, even many years after their cesarean section took place.
Sharing this hard-earned knowledge can give a woman's birth story a whole new purpose and make her feel that she has something special to offer to other women. A surgical birth experience can look and feel very different for each women, depending on the circumstances and the impact of this project will be strengthened by representing the full range of experiences. Your story really can be anything you'd feel comfortable sharing with other moms and the public. You can use this process in any way you like, the simple act of writing down your experience may be enough. You can always keep your story as a private record and a personal part of your healing process, but if you feel comfortable sharing you can contribute to this project by emailing me at

Here are the questions I sent to the original 18 women who sent me stories.
• How did your C-section come about? Was it planned or a surprise? relaxed or a stressful emergency? Have you had a single C-section or multiple? Experienced a VBAC?
• Is there anything that you wish someone had told you at the time? Did anything come up during or after the surgery that you wish you had been warned about ahead of time?
• Do you have any words of wisdom or advice that you'd like to pass on?
• Was it easy for you to recover or hard?
• Do you have any favorite recovery tips that really helped you?How is your body today? Your scar? Do you feel recovered?
• What advice do you have for partners/friends/family who want to be supportive after a C-section?
• How did you feel about the experience emotionally at the time and how do you feel now looking back?
• If you'd like to share your entire birth/postpartum experience in a narrative form that's great! If you have a list of bullet point advice that's also great!

My vision is that the project can continue to grow indefinitely as an evolving, living encyclopedia/ users manual of truthful experiential wisdom and support. I hope this collection of experiential wisdom can serve to expand upon the knowledge-base of hospital nurses, midwives and doctors in order to make the experience of Cesarean surgery and birth less traumatizing and challenging for women who find themselves...Unzipped.